Student success! Interview with Hadgu Hadgu of James Madison University's Career Center
Hi all - this is Jeff Hulett - I’m a decision confidence builder! I lead Personal Finance Reimagined, a decision-making and financial...
Financial success is the long-term outcome of a series of small but optimized financial decisions. The challenge is, you often don’t realize financial success until after you make all those small financial decisions. Behavioral economists cite decisions lacking salience—whether personal finance or anything else—as significant impediments to reaching long-term success. Decision-making is about forging good choices; these choices include trade-offs and even may go against popular opinion. In this guide, I’ll show you how to make frequent good decisions to drive your long-term success.
The good news is that with a little preparation, your financial success is very achievable. Your road to personal finance success is about personal discipline and broadly applying personal finance concepts to your life. Your ability to manage your emotions, stay focused, and be disciplined is the key to victory. It has little to do with your knowledge of business, math, or trading strategy. In other words, knowing yourself, being patient and persistent, and applying discipline will power your long-term wealth.
You’ve got this!
Core Concepts
2. Curiosity Exploration - An evolutionary approach to lifelong learning
4. Information curation in a world drowning in data noise
Making the money!
5. Career choices - They kept asking about what I wanted to do with my life, but what if I don't know? - Part 1
6. Career choices - They kept asking about what I wanted to do with my life, but what if I don't know? - Part 2
7. Career success - Success Pillars - A Life Journey Foundation
8. Career choices - Do I need to be a Data Scientist in an AI-enabled world?
9. Career choices - Diamonds In The Rough - A perspective on making high-impact college hires
Spending the money!
10. Budgeting - Budgeting like a stoic
11. Home Buying - Homeownership is an important wealth-building platform
12. Car Buying - Cutting through complexity: A car buying approach
13. College choice - The College Decision - Framework and tools for investing in your future
14. College choice - College Success!
15. College choice - How to make money in Student Lending
16. Event spending - Wedding and event planning guiding principle
Investing the money!
17. Investment thoughts for my children
18. Our Investment Barbell Strategy
19. Using the Stoic's Arbitrage to choose a great investment advisor
10. Anatomy of a "pump and dump" scheme
21. The Time Value of Money Benefits the Young
22. How Would You Short The Internet?
Pulling it together!
23. Capstone - The Stoic’s Arbitrage: A survival guide for modern consumer finance products